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William Leslie Medlyn BLITCHFORD
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Happy 100th Birthday BLITCHFORD William Leslie Medlyn Happy birthday to a D Day Veteran, who has reached his milestone birthday 100 years old, born 17.2.1921. You are a wonderful Dad, Grandad and Great-grandad, we are so proud of you and love you dearly. You have always been there for us and we appreciate the help and kindness you have shown us, we are all brokenhearted that we cannot be with you on this special occasion due to lockdown. We are thinking of you and you are "Simply the Best". With all the love in the world from Daughter Patricia and Anthony, your late Granddaughter Joanna, Grandson Brandon and Dee, Great-grandchildren Darcey, Zac and Grayson.
Viewed by: 817 visitors. Uploaded: 3 years ago
Published in: West Briton.
Published from: February 18, 2021.
Region: National
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